Monday, December 18, 2017

A Slice of the Great Beyond

Whenever I slice an avocado I'm presented with a combination of challenges. The hard and straight slice becomes an inorganic and almost architectural element, revealing the cross section of the surfaces and edges and vivid colors of the open interior. This defies many of the intentions of my still-life work, as everything is generally a celebration of complex curves and transitions. The slice becomes an artificial aspect to the composition, and rendering the shadow of the seed across the flat surface is unlike anything else I generally would include in a painting. Of course challenges are what inspire us to grow and evolve in our abilities, and what else is life than a invitation to evolve and adapt to each new stage of our existence, from our fleeting and precious time on earth and into the great beyond that challenges every part of our understanding of life itself. 

A Sliced Avocado, 5 inches by 7 inches

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